Part ii - Storyboard

"Studio 1 Archi Commune"
Composed by Michael Fuhrman-Luck

The reading was quite thorough in explaining and giving examples of the extensive range of storyboards that can be created. I liked the notion of which a storyboard is not the whole picture. It leaves an element to the imagination like books or as mentioned, radio and silent movies. This I believe is a great tool for architecture as it can portray an emotional depth that goes as far as the viewer would like it to go. This depth can come from a lack of narrative which jumped out as a key point for me. The viewer watching a cartoon for example is told everything through the strong narrative. I decided to create my storyboard using cartoon characters as that lay my area of strength but made sure that narrative was but a whisper in the background its use merely to aid the viewer from getting completely lost. A linear flow is important however it was also said that the viewer can choose their own path arriving at a different destination. This led me to argue that each slide or frame should if possible exist on their own as well as in proximity to the group as a whole.

The notion of drawings processing authenticity gave me comfort as it can clearly be seen how much effort and time has gone into it. This reiterated the fact that I should continue to head in the direction of drawn images. Photos are not to be discouraged however. In the reading it was mentioned that photos have an element of truth about them. This I believe is also important especially in architecture. Photos in this context I believe back up a drawn image giving it credibility and subsequently turning it from fiction to fact.

Many other principals outlined in the reading will benefit the portrayal of my design and have an effect on its outcome as a whole. Correct viewing angles will give reality to vignettes along with symbolism used in Le Corbusier’s Valla Savoy. Its about creating the space for the imagination to run.

"Studio 1 Archi Commune"
Composed by Michael Fuhrman-Luck

A questionare was taken by each member of the turorial (see part 'i'). The main answers and concepts were extracted and used to form ten characters which can be seen in the sketch below.

The characters were developed along with their architectural attributes.

They were then set on an A2 sheet in order to commence the layout of the story board.

The layout was developed with photos added to back up the character's context.

Feedback from my tutor led me to pursue a more architectural approach in the photo selection. Like the reading, I sought more credable images to suit the context. I was also led to re-think the layout, colour scheme of the storyboard and above all, achieve a flow.

"Studio 1 Archi Commune"
Composed by Michael Fuhrman-Luck

A story was painted with a subtle narrative. I placed all the characters together in the top left corner to give the sense of unity. A close nit studio group however full of various ideas related to architecture and specifically related to the context of the architectural commune. They begin on a journey, locating places in the world that reiterate their individual architectural ideals. The viewer can choose a linial flow however not extremely neccessary to the storey. Each frame works both on its own and together with the rest. The last slide at the bottom right before the title block concludes the narrative. The character by the name of the functionalist poses the question of form (the ideals raised by the studio group) before function or function before form. Looking at the storeyboard, it can almost persuade you in favor of form in order to function.

"Studio 1 Archi Commune"
Composed by Michael Fuhrman-Luck

This excercise has taught me the useful attributes of a storeyboard in an architectural context. I believe in many ways we as students have been using these techniques already in the form of diagrams and the like in our presentations. With the knowledge learn't now however, we will be able to take it further evoking the reader/teacher/client's imagination. Let them be a partof it, put them in amongst it and allow them to be taken on a journey.